Tuesday, June 10, 2014

One Hell of a Fight

"You put up one hell of a fight." Meaningful words, yet they're words you still never want to hear, especially when you're fighting cancer. Well, that's a phrase that I heard today. For the first time since I was diagnosed, I heard this phrase. And now it keeps replaying over and over again in my head.
There were many ways the doctor could have said what he needed to say. "There's nothing more we can do for you." "We've run out of options." "You should start thinking about and planning for the inevitable."
No one ever wants to hear any of that. Those words sting. No, not sting, they hit you. Hard. It's like a hard punch, low down in your gut. You feel this tugging at your chest and a knot in your throat. You can't speak, but you can't cry out. The silent tears just roll down your face, as you look around the room and try to catch your breath. Try to grab on and focus on one thought, while millions are going through your head. 
This is it. I did put up one hell of a fight. I don't want to feel like I lost though. Cancer did not win. If I had lost, I would've came away empty handed. I am not empty handed. I'm more of a person now than I ever was. It was quite the journey, these past two years. I learned so much. So much about myself and about others. So much about life and how it's suppose to be lived. I met so many amazing people along the way and made lifetime friends. I grew closer to my family and made some of the best memories that I hope will never be forgotten. Some of my best days were spent fighting cancer. Doing things that I probably would have never done if I hadn't been diagnosed. I went skydiving. I was able to go to a Washington Spirit soccer game and even met my favorite athlete, Ali Krieger, who's always been such an inspiration to me.

 I loved like I've never loved before. I started an auto project on my car with my younger brother. One that I hopes he continues to keep working on long after I'm gone. I teased my older brother more than ever, but he knows it was only out of love. I stole street signs with my friends because it was just something I had always wanted to do. (It's kind of a victimless crime, so don't judge:) I came home from college, where I had met some amazing lifetime friends, to spend more time with my family. My parents. I made long trips back and forth to my second home, Boone, just to see the beautiful college town I fell in love with years ago and to spend time with those people who I don't just consider friends, but family. Time with my rugby team and coaches, who definitely are all my second family. My three best friends in Boone (trifecta forever). I never could have gotten through any of this as long as I did without those people. Trips to Asheville to see one of the best friends I could've ever asked for in this life. And riding around in my car almost every Friday and Saturday night, doing "hoodrat stuff" with my younger brother and sometimes, even a few friends. Riding around in the nicest looking lifted white jeep I've ever seen, with one of my best friends, slinging some mud or even just talking about life.  So, this fight with cancer didn't bring me down, but only lifted me up. 
I never want to hear anyone say that I lost my battle with cancer. I did not. I won. I won because I received so much more out of this fight than cancer did. You may have taken my health, my organs, and my body, but you didn't take my spirit, my attitude, or my love. And because of that, I won this fight. Not cancer.

Thank you to everyone who has supported me these last two years through anything and everything that I've been through. The messages, emails, phone calls, texts, letters, cards, etc. are what got me through each and every day. I never would have made it this far without all the love and support from all of you. I'll never have all the words to thank you enough for all that you've done and all you will do. I love you all. Always and forever. 



  1. Kirsten you are so AMAZING, BEAUTIFUL, SMART, KIND, LOVING just a all out one of a kind AWESOME woman!!! You are a INSPIRATION to me & to everyone that knows you & that has came in contact with you!!! You have WON!!! You have touched so many people you have inspired me, touched my soul! You are SO AMAZING! You show how strong you Faith is & on Fire for the Lord! You are so AWESOME!!! I Pray for you daily & I will continue praying for you my friend!

  2. when I think of you, I think of a strong willed young lady who fought her cancer with so much courage. you have such a sweet disposition and always a thoughtful caring person. you have certainly touched my life and so many many more. there's not a day that don't go by that I look for your posts on fb and wonder how you are doing. enjoy the rest of your life with all the ppl that love you so much and make wonderful memories as you have done all along the way. you will always be in my prayers.... ALWAYS. hugssss and love to you friend!

  3. Kristen, I do not know you personally but have been following your story for the last 2 years. I know that things do not look very good right now with the doctors outlook, but I am telling you, doctors don't know everything, I am living proof. Please don't give up on yourself, life, or trying to do more. There are other things out there, not talking about chemo, radiation, or drugs. I am talking about the more natural way, what you eat, and plain, simple, prayer. That one thing "prayer" can do more than any medicine in this world. Cancer more than anything in this world, can test your faith, and I know this first hand. Just believe that you are a special person, and at the end of it all, if and when nothing else is left, you were chosen to go early. That is not what you want, your parents want, or all the friends you have want (this is 100% understood), but what Gods plan is for you. I know this because I have lost all of my family to cancer, and had my own dealings with the scares of the horrible "C". I want you in the end to know, you are a chosen one, so if God wants you early, you must be a special soul. Religion is something different for everyone, and something I have struggled with many times, but you have to admit, it is something we all turn to when we need it, and when you look at a child, it is a miracle and God makes miracles. Therefore, you were a child, you have to know that he does exist. It is okay to question faith, it is hard when you feel so much coming down on you at one time. God does hear you though. You have put up one hell of a fight...no doubt there, but don't put yourself in past tense yet. You are living, and the best thing you can do is continue living. Everyone has a day that their life will end, and most have no clue when that day is. You have been given a time frame, which may or may not be true as to when that day is. Live every second like it is the last. Tell the "cancer" you are in control, not it, and live, laugh and love everyday...If you are anything like I can imagine you being, proving the doctors wrong would give you great pleasure, so fight girl, fight with all you have. Good luck to you. You and your family are in our thoughts and prayers. You are here in the present, not the past, get out there and LIVE.

  4. I have been and will continue to pray God's Will and mercy over you and your family. When people know someone who proclaims to have faith in God they watch very closely when something horrible happens just to see how that person will react. You, my friend, have given them an eyeful. God has been and is still watching over you. You have a job to do. Continue the fight, run the race. The prize is worth it. Love you and your family. It is not over until God says it is over.

    Hope Walston

  5. Kristen,
    I like many other people have been following your story and every day I have been inspired. Your strength through the whole process has been remarkable and a lesson to myself and others. Though we have never met, I cried when I read this post. This last year was hell for my family as we lost my only brother but every day and even today with this post you remind me to see the brighter side of life and the bigger picture. I have been and will continue to pray for you. It's not over yet.

    -Katie (kibby56 on twitter)

  6. Kristen,
    I had the privilege of knowing and watching you mature through your high school years and become a wonderful young lady heading off to ASU. You went through some difficult times, even then, but always had a positive attitude. This is no different. No one knows why God allows things to happen to certain people but what I do know is that everything is for a reason. I know that you have touched people and changed them- even ones you will never know about. YOU made a difference and in the process shared your faith for God and love of family. That's more than a lot of people do their entire lifetime. Keep strong in your love for the Lord and He will carry you through. All my love...

  7. Hi Kristen! I saw a link to your blog posted on FB as a prayer request. I felt led so I read back through your posts and I just want you to know that your story will touch those you don't even know and encourage them to do things they have always wanted to do. Certainly hurts my heart to know that such a sweet, gifted young lady is fighting this battle. I don't ever think that someone loses the battle. I stand firm in the belief that they WIN, on earth or in Glory. May God Bless you and keep you, lift your spirits, ease your discomfort, and allow you and those that love you to feel the peace and strength that only He can provide. I will continue to keep you in my thoughts and prayers sweet girl.

  8. Hey girl. U dont know me we have only met once and tht was at a rugby match. I play for lee university. One of th girls on th team heard about ur story and posted th link to ur blog on our teams fb page. I just wanted to let u know tht we love u and r praying for u.
